How to Clean Your Autoclave’s Chamber Drain Strainer [w/ Video] Written by: Arthur Trapotsis Have you ever, after getting out of the shower, grabbed a piece of tissue and used it to quickly clear the drain of any hair, soap residue or other debris? If you have, you know firsthand that taking a few moments to clean up after yourself can prevent bigger issues further down the line — […] Tweet Like Share
Autoclave Basics: Chamber Cleaning Instructions [w/ Video] Written by: Arthur Trapotsis The idea of cleaning your autoclave’s chamber on a regular basis might seem counterintuitive — after all, autoclaves are designed to sterilize lab equipment. Wouldn’t it naturally follow that the chamber is also sterilized each time you run a cycle? The reality is that, without routine cleaning, the moisture, high temperatures, and pressure that make […] Tweet Like Share
53 Items Every Autoclave Maintenance Plan Should Include [+ Free Log Sheet!] Written by: Mike Peters Here at Consolidated Sterilizer Systems, we’re of the mind that the importance of routine preventative autoclave maintenance really can’t be understated. After all, preventative maintenance reduces system downtime, improves processing performance, eliminates the need for costly repairs, and ensures workplace safety — and that’s only the start of it. Bearing that in mind, we’ve put […] Tweet Like Share
Laboratory Autoclaves That Are Built to Last Written by: Scott Mechler When choosing an autoclave to purchase, it’s important to select one that is designed for durability and built to last. Here at Consolidated Sterilizer Systems (CSS), we’ve manufactured over 14,000 state-of-the-art laboratory autoclaves since 1946 — some of the oldest of which are still in operation today. Take, for example, the autoclave pictured below. This […] Tweet Like Share
10 Items That Should Be on Every Autoclave Log Sheet [w/ Free Template!] Written by: Arthur Trapotsis There’s a well-known saying in the business world that “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”; this concept is true for sterilization cycles, as well. In order to ensure that each cycle meets the appropriate sterilization standards, multiple agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Prevention […] Tweet Like Share
How Much Does Your Sterilizer Really Cost Your Facility? Written by: Scott Mechler When purchasing a piece of capital equipment, such as an autoclave, it’s important to assess the total cost of ownership (TCO) because there can be many costs hidden in the ongoing service and maintenance of the machine. This article will help buyers, users, and owners determine the direct and indirect costs of procuring and operating […] Tweet Like Share
Maintaining Your Autoclave with SterilCARE™ Written by: Jason Thompson Is a low-cost, safe and reliable steam sterilizer important to your facility? Consolidated is excited to announce the launch of the SterilCARE™ preventative autoclave maintenance program, which is designed to keep your total cost of ownership low and ensure your autoclave is running reliably and safely. Historically, preventative maintenance of laboratory autoclaves has been scheduled […] Tweet Like Share
What to Do About Stained Packs After Autoclaving: Common Causes and Affordable Solutions Written by: Scott Mechler In the summer of 2016, Windsor Regional Hospital (WRH) in Windsor, Ontario, was forced to cancel hundreds of surgeries at its Ouellette campus due to a “mysterious sterilization scare.” The strange scare, as reported in numerous media outlets, involved the staining of wrapping materials used to protect sterilized instrument trays during and after autoclaving. Because of […] Tweet Like Share
What to Know About Sterilizer Manufacturers When Designing a Laboratory Written by: Amit Gupta Designing a laboratory requires an incredible amount of forethought, knowledge, and planning. Not only must architects properly lay out the floor plan for the equipment, but they must also ensure the specifications for the equipment are accurate. The more complex the equipment (e.g. an autoclave) the more challenging these design efforts can be. From the […] Tweet Like Share
How to Validate an Autoclave: Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) Written by: Scott Mechler A steam sterilizer, whether used for pharmaceutical or laboratory sterilizing applications, is designed to use steam under pressure as the sterilizing agent. When constructed, installed and operated correctly, a steam sterilizer should function properly and sterilize your load. But, how does a sterilizer manufacturer ensure the unit they’ve built is assembled properly and is in […] Tweet Like Share
10.21.24 How to Start an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) → If you’re a physician who’s considering opening their own ambulatory surgery center (ASC), you’re in good company. MCG Health reports that, of the 5,800 ASCs on record in the U.S. in 2023, 95% were at least partially physician owned and 52% were solely physician owned. The incentives for physicians are clear: ASCs offer greater autonomy […]
10.15.24 The Different Types of Autoclaves [& How to Choose the Right One] → Steam sterilizers — also known as autoclaves — are an essential piece of equipment in any laboratory, research, or healthcare setting, ensuring sterility for important equipment and instruments. Autoclaves are available in a wide array of designs, each tailored for specific applications, ranging from small-scale laboratory sterilization to large-volume industrial processes. Choosing the right autoclave […]
9.30.24 Horizontal vs. Vertical Autoclaves: 6 Key Differences and Benefits → If you’re looking for a new autoclave for your facility, chances are you’ve considered several options during your search for the right one. When it comes to the question of whether a vertical or horizontal autoclave is the right fit for your lab or medical facility, understanding their key differences is crucial. To help you […]