operational qualification

How To Validate an Autoclave: Operational Qualification (OQ)

Written by: Amit Gupta

Every laboratory strives for consistency and repeatability in its sterilization processes. But this doesn’t come easily. In order to ensure your autoclave operates efficiently it’s critical that you validate the sterilization process and verify that the equipment is working safely and properly. This is known as Operational Qualification (OQ), and it’s one of the most […]

Installation Qualification

How To Validate an Autoclave: Installation Qualification (IQ)

Written by: Amit Gupta

There is an array of qualification tests that can be conducted to validate an autoclave. Many laboratories validate autoclaves by simply using biological indicators (BI’s). For some labs, however, a simple validation with BI’s is not enough and a more elaborate validation process must be followed. These labs typically require installation, operation, and performance qualifications […]


Common Steam Autoclave Maintenance Questions, Answered

Written by: Amit Gupta

Maintaining steam autoclaves in proper working order improves productivity, reduces downtime, extends the life of the autoclave, and helps to ensure overall safety in the workplace. So, to help you maintain your autoclave, we wrote about the importance of autoclave maintenance and shared some basic tips to maintain your equipment in a prior post.

In this post, we take the conversation a little deeper, answering common maintenance questions and identifying the critical components on an autoclave that should be inspected periodically by a trained service provider. This is not an exhaustive list of all the autoclave components that should be inspected but merely the major ones.

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Understanding Steam Autoclave Ownership Costs

Understanding Steam Autoclave Ownership Costs: Acquisition Cost vs. Operating Cost

Written by: Scott Mechler

Whether you’re purchasing a small laboratory autoclave or one for your ambulatory surgery center, a steam autoclave is a significant investment. Beyond budgeting for upfront purchasing costs, it’s critical to understand the overall lifetime costs of owning a steam autoclave, as well.

In order to make the best purchasing decision, you need to consider both the initial price tag (the acquisition cost) and the long-term maintenance costs (the operating cost). By combining these costs, you can get the full picture of what it costs to own an autoclave over its entire lifespan. When in the market for your next steam autoclave, it’s important to carefully consider all associated costs — let’s break them down.

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Autoclave Manufacture USA

4 Reasons Why Where Your Autoclave Is Manufactured Matters

Written by: Jason Thompson

From your car to the food you eat, it’s important to know where things come from. The same goes for autoclaves—you should be aware of where they are manufactured and how this can impact the overall value. In the U.S. market today, there are both foreign and domestic autoclave manufacturers. Autoclaves engineered and manufactured in the United States provide more returns for labs or facilities located in the U.S. than their foreign counterparts.

There are 4 essential considerations for evaluating an autoclave manufacturer:

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