A simple graphic with a central blue shield displaying a dollar sign, flanked by two circular icons each containing a wrench and screwdriver crossed, on a light grey background. This image may represent financial protection or budgeting for maintenance and repair services.

7 Common Autoclave Problems You Should be Aware Of

Written by: Scott Mechler

In an ideal world, laboratory autoclaves would always work exactly as intended. Unfortunately, issues can and do arise — the key to resolving them is knowing what to look for. In this article, we’ll outline seven of the most common autoclave problems and how to identify them. 1. The sterilizer won’t reach the temperature set-point. […]

Autoclave Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): How to Safely Operate an Autoclave (+SOP Template)

Written by: Scott Mechler

Autoclaves, also known as steam sterilizers, use pressurized steam to kill any microbial life that may be present on a contaminated item. For this reason, autoclaves are most commonly used in laboratories, hospital operating rooms and food production facilities in order to sterilize goods and instruments. Autoclaves are extremely powerful and can be a bit […]

53 Items Every Autoclave Maintenance Plan Should Include

53 Items Every Autoclave Maintenance Plan Should Include [+ Free Log Sheet!]

Written by: Mike Peters

Here at Consolidated Sterilizer Systems, we’re of the mind that the importance of routine preventative autoclave maintenance really can’t be understated. After all, preventative maintenance reduces system downtime, improves processing performance, eliminates the need for costly repairs, and ensures workplace safety — and that’s only the start of it. Bearing that in mind, we’ve put […]

Biosafety Level Guidance for COVID-19 Research

Written by: Scott Mechler

What biosafety level is required to handle samples and/or perform research containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus?  Read on for the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Background A Biological Safety Level (BSL 1, 2, 3, or 4) is assigned to a biological lab as a safeguard to protect laboratory personnel, as well as […]

COVID-19 Update: Consolidate Sterilizer Systems Staying Open

Written by: Arthur Trapotsis

03/25/2020 Consolidated Sterilizer Systems will remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has designated 16 critical infrastructure sectors that are deemed to be crucial to the nation’s economy, security, and health.  Consolidated is supporting our clients in the Healthcare and Public Health Sector. This Sector is vital to the economic […]

USP 660

An Automated Autoclave Process for Use in Determining Glassware Quality [USP 660]

Written by: Amit Gupta

Glass containers for pharmaceutical use are intended to come into direct contact with pharmaceutical products. The glass container manufacturing process directly results in the quality of glass produced. Certain types of glass are less durable than others and are therefore more susceptible to delamination of the interior of the glass container. If delamination occurs on […]